Two & A Quarter

I still can't believe what just happened. This morning (while still full of optimism from my morning coffee) I decided to pack the boys up and head to the little park behind the Safeway to take birthday photos of Connor. Of course as most people with common sense could guess, my children did not care that the mid-morning light in the shade was gorgeous and that this may be our last day this week that doesn't rain..they didn't really want to have their photos taken. Braden cried hysterically the whole ride there and only calmed down to take some photos as soon as I had given up and was getting ready to put him in the wrap and Connor had a coughing fit which confirmed that the runny nose he had earlier this week was indeed the start of a winter cold.

I miraculously managed to snap a couple photos of the boys together and was putting everything away in the stroller when a pair of grandparents with their little grandbabies (close to mine in age) came walking down the path (with their triple-wide stroller). Grandma stopped to try to get her little grandson to talk with Connor - however both of them seemed equally gifted in being incredibly shy around strangers. Grandpa finally caught up and in heavily accented English Grandma tells me that Grandpa is a professional photographer and gestured/asked if I wanted him to take some photos.

I have to tell you, I was pretty terrified to hand over my expensive camera to complete strangers. If I were in Seattle and not Sammamish I probably wouldn't have even considered it. They have their grandbabies with them and a huge stroller, there's no way they're just gonna jack my camera...honestly it made me sad that I thought that to myself. He barely spoke English. He simply gestured how I should pose (while I tried to console my now hyperventilating two year old because he's so nervous of strangers). I probably didn't fully relax until the camera was back in my hands. The whole time I was wondering, is he really a professional like she said...or is this guy much more spry than he looks and gonna bolt?

He smiled and walked off towards his wife and grandbabies after handing over the camera and I thanked him. I got the boys situated in the stroller and stole a peak at the pictures. Honestly, considering both boys were basically crying the whole time and I was slightly uncomfortable, the photos are beautiful. So beautiful that I wish Connor hadn't been so nervous so I could have re-posed the boys on the blanket for him to take a couple of them together. I don't have many photos of myself with the boys. The photographer is me, so having photos of us together are so precious. What a gift from a complete stranger. I wish I could thank him again. When we crossed paths again in the park and I thanked him again and told him how beautiful they were and that I loved them, I realized how very little English he might even know. He just sort of nodded and Grandma gave a heavily delayed thank you.

So to the strangers at the park: thank you for the sweet photos. And thank you for reminding me that not all strangers are scary, and the vast majority of people really are kind and are just looking for an opportunity to be generous to one another. Merry Christmas!

Also happy three months of life to my little bubba Braden (tomorrow) and two wonderful years of life to my sweet toddler boy Connor. Momma & Dada love you so much!
