Christmas Letter // 2017

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It's crazy to think that around this time last year we had just moved into our home in Snoqualmie and were almost done with Duncan's first trimester! So much has happened this year. We've been loving our new home and the Snoqualmie neighborhood. Growing up in north Kirkland, Snoqualmie felt like the middle of nowhere so it's been such a relief to find that not only is the neighborhood lovely and our home perfect, but we're actually closer to a lot of the same amenities we were using in Sammamish. We also love the proximity to the mountains and are excited to get the boys some ski lessons very soon!

Dave is still at Microsoft and is loving his job in Xbox working on the backwards compatibly team! I have had my hands full with the three boys, house keeping, and random Etsy/design work this year. Amazing how after a year of living here we still have a few boxes in random closets yet to be unpacked! Three boys ages four and under is just as busy as it sounds! The boxes will get unpacked eventually I'm sure haha! 

Connor just turned four this December and has become completely obsessed with the "big kid" legos he got for his birthday. He also loves reading and make believe and always has something important to say ;) Braden turned two in September and is the busiest two year old ever. He loves to build with legos, draw, and chase his brother around. Where Connor is cautious, Braden is...not so much. Quick to laugh and obsessed with Batman. The two of them are best buddies and we are so thankful for their sweet friendship. Duncan is just over 6 months old and is the happiest baby ever. He loves his brothers and they love him. He also loves to eat. Finally, it only took having three kids to have a child who loves to eat (and seems to be allergy free!!).

We're excited for what the new year has to offer us! Hopefully more trips to Chelan with my family; a trip (or two??) to Michigan to see Dave's family and meet our new niece; adventures with our new neighbors who have become some of our closest friends; ski trips; birthday parties; swim lessons; and who knows what else. 

Wishing you and yours a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Years!

-Dave, Leanna, Connor, Braden, and Duncan