Connor Turns Four

Happy birthday Connor-man! I still can't believe it's been four whole years since you were born. Our sweet, shy, baby, has become such a handsome, chatty, kiddo. I can't even call you a toddler anymore!! You have so many thoughts and so much to say. I love listening to your stories and answering all your questions. You absolutely love to play with legos and we even got you a set of big kid legos for your birthday. We love watching you build together with Braden. You and Braden love singing the Lego Batman theme song together while chasing each other around the house. You also love holding your baby brother Duncan and playing patty-cake and itsy bitsy spider with him. Nobody makes Duncan laugh like you do, Connor. How lucky are we to call you our first born. I am so unbelievably grateful for you. I love you more than words and nothing will ever change that. Watching you grow up is one of the greatest joys of my life. I'm excited to see the ways you'll change the world. Will you make video games like dada? That's what you think. I'm sure it's a beautiful and bright future for you though buddy. Happy fourth birthday. We love you!

Mom + Dad