Allyship in Parenting

This is not a topic I usually write about. However it is something I am deeply passionate about. I am a middle class straight white woman. I have never experienced racism. Sexism, sure. Never racism. I have been overwhelmed the past few months with the many horrific deaths that have occurred in the POC communities across the US. My parents raised me to love anyone and everyone regardless of race, class, gender, or sexuality. However I did not witness those prejudices in my community as a child and so I did not realize they were happening. Racism was something from history class to me. Now I know better.

One of the most impactful things I can do is raise my children to be effective allies. A powerful illustration I heard on a parenting podcast about teaching uncomfortable topics with children was this:

Children are like sponges, you can send them into the world a dry sponge with their innocence in tact, or you can fill them up with understanding yourself. They will learn either way; from you, or from someone else. You can’t control how or what someone else will teach them, but if you’ve already had the conversation, they will at least be able to tell fact from fiction.

Talking to my children about these issues is one step, but really it’s barely a start. Today I bought children’s books about POC in American history. I also purchased a Star Wars action figure of Finn for the boys to play with and keep on their bedroom shelf. It was surprisingly hard to find diverse action figures on Amazon or Target. I had never looked before today, but there was almost nothing. After sharing about my Amazon purchases a lot of friends and followers sent me more resources in my DMs, I would love to share them here with you:

I share this not because I am an expert, but because I am trying to learn and grow. Let me know if you’ve found other resources helpful for understanding or teaching kids about the racial injustices and biases that are all around us.
